The perfect gifts for your business this holiday season!
Today, we want to help you take the time to reflect, define what makes you YOU, and share your story in a way that draws others in. Let’s get started!
Recently, Caroline and some of the Dolls headed to Nashville to see Amanda Craig and her team at Leigh, Edwards & Company.
Everyone wants to make their Instagram efforts count. One of the questions we get asked most as a marketing and branding agency is, “How can I make sure more and more people see my Instagram posts?” It’s a big question with several answers, but there is one thing we’ve found that most Instagram users are NOT utilizing: alt text.
Have you ever wondered exactly what happens behind the pink doors at POSH PR®? When you see all of the pink and glitter on Instagram, you might think it’s all fun and games over here! What REALLY happens behind these Valentino- inspired doors? We’ll show you!
Happy Monday sweet Dolls! How is it halfway through the month already?! Can you believe it’s been a WHOLE year since miss Rona’ decided to hit us with that whirlwind?? And a year later… here we are!
All while social media plays a huge part in today's society, it's always a great resource to virtually connect with someone! Maybe you follow a few fashion bloggers, a cooking page, or our favorite -- a Boss Doll Instagram page! Instagram is one of the most popular and most powerful social media apps after Facebook, of course! But Instagram is a place for beautiful pictures to tell a story in itself.
A new month is here and we can’t wait for #dollthethings to come!
We’re sharing all of our secrets on just how The PR Dolls properly follow up on #dollthethings.
That chill in the air can only mean one thing — October is here!
Happy National Coffee Day, Dolls!
Looking to take your business to the next level? We know the saying, “It takes a village”, but sometimes it takes a Doll House. Enter: Caroline + The PR Dolls.