What's Your Story: How to Define What Makes You YOU

What’s your story? It seems like a simple question, but when it comes down to it, it can be hard to figure out what to share about yourself on social media. According to all the articles you can Google about how to be successful on social media, you want to be relatable, funny, vulnerable, and real. On the other hand though, you want to be smart, helpful, and inspirational. No pressure, right?

The good news is, we’ve made defining your story an art form here at POSH PR®! Today, we want to help you take the time to reflect, define what makes you YOU, and share your story in a way that draws others in. Let’s get started!

Defining Your Story

It all started with a pink flamingo pool float . . . 

If you know the rest of that story, it’s because our Boss Doll® + CEO has truly defined her story and her mission! Caroline use the story of how she created POSH PR® on a pool float on a random Tuesday to inspire other Boss Dolls® to take their big dreams and make them real. After all, if she can leave a lucrative career in medical sales to start an empire, you can take a big leap, too!

This is where it can get scary, Dolls, and we get it! Sharing your story can feel vulnerable, but remember, you only have to share what you’re comfortable with. Being “real” online doesn’t mean sharing every bit of your story. Some things are private, and that’s so, so important. Take a moment now to think about what your boundaries are and what parts of your story are sacred to you and your loved ones. 

Now, here’s where it gets FUN! Grab your journal, your laptop, or a scrap of paper and let’s start outlining YOUR story. We have some journaling prompts to help you get started:

  1. What are three big goals you have for your business?

  2. What are three big goals you have for your personal life?

  3. How did you get where you are today?

  4. What inspired your business or product(s)?

  5. Why are your customers/clients so important to you?

  6. Who helped you get where you are now?

  7. How do you hope to help others?

  8. What was life like before you decided to chase your dream?

It’s ok if you don’t get these 100% finished all at once! Take your time and really focus on reflecting, going deep, and being honest with yourself. You might be surprised at what comes up!

What Makes People Think of You?

You may have heard marketing guru Jenna Kutcher talk about the “JK5.” She recommends choosing five things you’re passionate about and posting about those five things each week. Here at The Doll HQ, we like to think of these as the things that make people think of you, and we believe you can TOTALLY have more than five!

Here’s an example: we know that when you Dolls see a glass of champagne, a poodle, Barbie, or something pink, you think of our Boss Doll + CEO, Caroline! You might even think of her whenever you see a stunning designer outfit or Louis Vuitton handbag! Caroline has made these things such a part of her brand and her Instagram presence, it’s hard NOT to think of her when you see these things! 

As a business owner, you want to be on people’s minds and create authentic connections. People tend to trust and like those who are passionate about the same things they are. By consistently sharing what you’re passionate about, you’ll create more connections with like-minded boss babes who want to work with YOU!

Remember, the things that make people think of you don’t have to be THINGS! They can be causes, places, events, pets, etc. For example, when you see something about body positivity, you might think of our Creative Content Doll, Emma. She is a huge advocate for loving yourself and shares all sorts of helpful accounts and posts for anyone struggling with body image. 

So, now it’s your turn! Take a moment to jot down at least five things that might make people think of you. Don’t make it complicated! Think about the five things you talk to your friends about the most or the five parts of your life you love the most!

Sharing Your Story

Now that you know what your story is and what you’re passionate about, it’s time to start sharing that with the world. Remember, your story won’t help anyone if you don’t tell it. When you start sharing more about yourself, you just never know where life will take you!

One of our favorite ways to help our clients make the most of their social media presence is to strategize their Instagram 9-square. Think about it: when someone visits your Instagram to see what you’re all about, you have 9 little squares to capture their attention and show them who you are. So . . . what do you want to make sure is ALWAYS a part of your 9-square?

Let’s say you’re a travel blogger who also posts videos to YouTube about your travels once a week and makes money with affiliate links for gear, clothing, etc. You also have a really cute dog that is a huge part of your story. Here is what your 9-square may look like:

Instagram strategy

The same concept applies to your website, blog, YouTube channel, TikTok, email newsletter — you name it. Keep finding new ways to talk about and educate on your story, passions, and products/services! It might feel repetitive, but trust us, the saying is true: people have to see or hear about something at least seven times before they act! Plus you’ll always be attracting new followers and viewers, so keep your message strong! 

Now that you’re ready to start sharing your story, what’s next? You’re probably ready to create a whole new batch of incredible photos and videos to share who you are and what you love. If that’s the case, we’ve got you! 

At POSH PR®, we specialize in creating content that is fully customized for you and your unique journey. We’ll go in depth with you about your goals, what you want to share, and how you want others to see your brand so that we can plan a photoshoot that will give you #dollthethings you need and more!

If you’d like to book a shoot with us or chat more about how we can help you grow on social media, you can always reach out to your Business BFFs! DM us on Instagram or click here to learn more about how we can work together to define your story!