The Power of PR

The Power of PR


People are often curious about just what it is that we do here at POSH PR®!  Are we a marketing agency?  A design firm?  What does PR even mean?!

To start, we are a public relations agency at heart.  We use an authentic and strategic combination of marketing and PR to put you in front of your ideal client.  Marketing and PR work hand-in-hand and you need both to be effective.  When your marketing and PR are elevated, your brand can reach new heights!

PR gets you noticed by your ideal client and lets you tell them exactly what you want them to think about your brand!  Your brand has the power to decide how your audience will perceive you!  Marketing is the strategy that drives PR.  From planning your content calendar and directing a branding photoshoot to writing great copy for your website or curating content for social media, your brand’s marketing should say a lot about who you are!  

Case Study

When our Head Doll + CEO The Caroline Doll began the branding process for POSH PR®, she put a lot of energy into trying not to be too pink, too girly, or too fashion-forward.  In other words, she was trying to be someone else!

You can imagine what this led to — a client base that was totally disconnect from the heart and soul of POSH PR®.  We always say that when you stay true to yourself, you’ll have no competition.  Yes, Dolls!  NO COMPETITION!  Being true to yourself allows you to fearlessly and fabulously represent your brand.

Our clients now come to us just for our all-pink office, Champagne-infused events, and the extra dash of luxury we like to throw into the mix.  We are proof that an authentic brand is a successful brand!

Establish Icons

Caroline knew she needed to revamp her branding strategy in order to connect with her true target audience.  The first (and maybe the most fun!) step is to establish brand icons that will do the heavy lifting of constantly reminding your clients of your brand.  These icons are objects or images that represent the heart of you and your brand.  Use them on your website, social media, and personal life wherever you can!

You can probably guess the top three icons for POSH PR®: tulle skirts, pink, and Champagne!  We even trademarked Champagne Is Always The Answer® so there’d be no question!  Whenever someones sees these things, they think of us.  Dolls, this is what we call brand authority!  What could be more powerful than that?!

When you’re launching a brand, ask yourself what three icons would you want to represent your brand and what you’d want people to visualize when they think of your brand.  What immediately came to mind?!  Be sure to regularly ask yourself how you are communicating these icons with your ideal client!

Find Your Tribe


Another one of our favorite phrases at POSH PR® is “community over competition.”  This is because you shouldn’t distance yourself from like-minded brands!  In fact, we think you should cozy up to them!  After all, you already share values and good vibes.  There is enough business to go around, Doll!

Find ways to position yourself with these brands.  Team up for conferences, attend networking events together, and stay connected on social media.  Positivity is contagious and if you cheer on your fellow Boss Dolls, they (and their followers!) will cheer you on right back!

When you’ve found your tribe, nurture them well!  Send pretty mail, leave thoughtful messages, and share their content.  #Theprdolls always say that words of appreciation and encouragement are the best gift you can give! 

Get Featured

Truth Time: Some people are natural-born salespeople.  Some people totally aren’t…and that’s okay!!  Pitching is actually so much easier than you think, Dolls!

Make a list of the places you want your work to be shared.  This might include blogs, podcasts, or magazines that are already targeting your ideal client.  You might want to start with local publications, but don’t be afraid to dream big!  Next step, send your work to them and watch your client base grow!!  Yes!  It really is that simple!

Be Social

Your ideal client should view you as a resource for inspiration.  They are likely following you because they like the look and feel of what you’re putting out there!  A couple “mood” images with strategic communication about your products and services, using hashtags, and tagging other accounts + your location are all ways to maximize your social media.

Don’t forget to engage with your followers!  Help them feel seen by liking and responding to their comments.  After all, they are the reason you do what you do.  Make sure you express your appreciation for their support!

While your social media should always be authentic and pretty, don’t forget a “call to action.”  We like to think of the visual as the hook and then we use the caption to tell our followers our message.

The Beauty of PR

Dolls, remember this!  YOU are in control of your brand and what your audience sees!  Be wise and strategic, but most importantly be true to yourself.  One last tip from #theprdolls?!  START NOW!  

Still feeling unsure about whether or not you are ready for professional PR?  Well ask yourself these questions.  Are you a Doll doing business?  Are you looking to elevate your business and take it to the next level?  Check out our five ways to know if you are ready for professional PR.  It may just be time to hire an agency!

Hire an Agency If…

You are launching a NEW business

If you are gearing up to launch a new business, you should definitely seek professional PR.  When it comes to launching a new brand, a PR agency will help you make your debut into the world and guide you through the launch process.  Some agencies, like POSH PR®, offer customizable services tailored specifically towards a new business launch!  You can even customize the length of time you want to work with the agency.  Some of our clients are under contract all year long, while others work over a 3-month term to specifically target their launch.  From digital representation and branding to media outreach and helping you throw a fabulous launch party, an agency can assist with many of your new business needs.  

You want to refresh your brand and position your message in a new light

If you want to take your current business and reposition your brand to tell a new story or attract a new client, a PR agency can support you through this process.  Many businesses suffer because they failed to diversify their brand to cater to their ideal client.  A PR agency can help you transition your existing messaging to a fresh, new story that is exciting to tell.  We like to call this “The Pivot.”  We love strategizing with our clients on the best ways they can evolve their brand in order to increase sales.  A PR agency can help with your pitch, write copy for your website and social media platforms, and can even produce editorial branding photoshoots for elevated content!

You want your brand featured in the media

Are you looking for promotion in magazines, podcasts, and television?  A PR agency can assist with all of your media buying and monitor your advertising analytics to ensure maximum exposure.  They will negotiate advertising rates for your business and can even get you free media exposure at times!  A PR agency will help strategize on the best way to utilize your media coverage in order to tell your brand’s story.  At POSH PR®, we like to ensure our clients are “TV Ready” and assist with writing talking points, book beauty and wardrobe consulting, and coordinate the styling of the filming space.  We love getting our clients in front of their ideal clients!  

You’re looking for a brand ambassador + influencer

When you hire a PR agency, your brand has a cool, calm, and professional voice to act as a brand ambassador.  As a business owner, we can anticipate the abundance of victories, but rarely think of the difficult scenarios and situations that may occur.  An agency will represent your brand and can help put out fires in a composed manner.  This can all be done while maintaining your business ethics and morals!  A PR agency can also act as your brand’s media representative.  At POSH PR®, we use our Head Doll + CEO The Caroline Doll as the influencer!  Through our social media platforms, we promote your brand as well as partner with top brands to align you with like-minded businesses.

You are looking to make strategic business contacts

A PR agency’s job is to know EVERYONE!  As a business owner, there will be things that you had no idea you would ever need.  When you work with an agency, they become your resource to strategic business connections.  In the end, your agency’s connections will save you time and money while you continue to grow your brand!  From media contacts to professional photographers, an agency can as as a one-stop shop for all of your business needs.  For our POSH PR® clients, we love being able to guide them into strategic alliances and partnerships that will help to enhance their overall vision and direction. 

The second you decide to hire a PR agency, your business has a new best friend, publicist, and strategist.  At POSH PR® we are honored to be our clients Business BFF™.  Can you identify with any of the 5 reasons to hire professional PR?  The PR Dolls would love to chat with you!!

Before we leave you, #theprdolls want to remind you just how fiercely we support you and your dreams.  Our mission is to empowHER women to chase their goals and live the life they’ve always dreamed of living.  We are cheering you on today and everyday!!  Sending you sparkle!

Xo The PR Dolls