New Year, New Career


So you’ve decided to go for it: a career change! We know, interviewing can be SO scary. What do you wear? Do you bring up salary? Are there any inappropriate questions? We are here for you, #bossbabe!

When it comes to interview-readiness, your prep work is often more important than what happens when you get in that room. Not to mention, the more prepared you are, the more calm you’ll be! And, #protip: take the interview even if you aren’t sure you want the job! Just like anything else, being a good interviewee takes practice. So practice whenever someone gives you the chance! You’ll be better for it when your dream job opens.


The hard part: researching the company. You want to look like you know what you’re getting into. After all, you need to show that you WANT the job—and you wouldn’t go blindly into something you wanted!

Look into the specifics of what the company does. Check out their “mission” and “about” (we always write this for POSH PR® companies!) You’ll want to emphasize that you already align with company values in the interview, so make sure you know what those values are!


It’s important to rehearse not just answers to common questions, but specific questions you’d like to ask the interviewer. This shows that you are curious, thoughtful, and serious about the position. Here are some questions that will help you determine if the job is right for you while also setting you apart as a serious candidate:

  • Where will the company be in 5 years?

  • What do you like best about working here?

  • What does the day-to-day look like for my role?

  • What are the opportunities for growth and professional development?

You should be prepared to:

  • Explain your strengths and weaknesses (#protip: talk about what you are actively doing to turn your weakness into a strength!)

  • Give examples of client work or group work where you showed leadership and contributed well

  • Phrase your career and life goals in a way that would benefit the company

  • Explain what attracted you to the company


And last but not least, the fun part! Pick your outfit and try it on! You don’t want to realize right before you head out the door that you have a run in your tights. As we always say, better to be overdressed than underdressed! Even if the company culture is to wear a T-shirt and jeans, dress it up with heels and a cute blazer! When it comes to interviews, you should always look like the most professional in the room. Having everything in place mentally AND physically will help you stay calm before the big day. You’ve got this!

Best of luck with your professional endeavors, sweet doll! Don’t forget, if you are ready give up on interview stress altogether and launch your own business: we are here for you!


The PR Dolls