Pitch Perfect

We are so blessed at POSH PR® to hear from so many amazing brands daily!  It makes us feel so special to know just how many powerful Boss Dolls there are out there inquiring about our services.  But Dolls, we have to be honest…we noticed a bit of a problem.  We had SO many sweet Dolls reaching out about media management, but as a full-service agency, this type of service can come with a high cost.  Truth is, not everyone has the budget to afford this type of service at the start.  We hated having to turn away so many ideal clients that we had bonded with just because it wasn’t in their current budget.  So we decided we needed to solve this problem!  Passive pitching came to be because we wanted a way to serve these up and coming brands that we had fallen in love with.  Our want, desire, and need to empowHER women led us to our passive pitching model!

So what is passive pitching?!  We like to think of it as our secret weapon that we keep in our back pocket.  When press and media outlets comes to POSH PR® looking for brands that would be a good fit for them, we love having a database of amazing fashion, beauty, and lifestyle brands to pitch to them!  When you become a part of our passive pitch list, you become a part of this database of brands that we have the opportunity to pitch to magazines, blogs, podcasts, and so much more!  The best part?  You only pay when you get featured!  YES DOLLS!  You read that right!!!  

How amazing is this feature that we were able to secure for Terra Harvell of Harper Ellis Hair Co. in Cosmopolitan Magazine?!

How amazing is this feature that we were able to secure for Terra Harvell of Harper Ellis Hair Co. in Cosmopolitan Magazine?!

Are you a brand with big dreams of getting featured, but currently have a lower monthly retainer budgeted to invest in PR?  Well this may be the answer you’ve been searching for!  While POSH PR® is not actively out there pitching your brand daily, we do keep your brand in mind when these great opportunities come across our desks.  We are constantly receiving requests from fashion, beauty, and lifestyle magazines and publications that are looking for amazing brands and products to feature.  The best part is, when these great options come in, we then reach out to you!  From that point, you get to decide whether it’s full speed ahead or if you would rather wait for another great option.  We understand that not every feature will be one that you are interested in, but it’s so important to us to give you as many opportunities as we can to put yourself out there!

We are encouraging your amazing brand to become part of our passive pitch list today!  Our mission through this initiative is to help small brands invest wisely and build brand authority along the way.  It is truly a win-win scenario for all parties!  So now we have to ask!  Are you looking to build brand authority and put your brand in the spotlight?!  Check out our passive pitching website to learn how!