Looking For Digital Exposure?


Dolls, we live in a digital world!  From social media and blogs to email marketing and the press, there are so many avenues that a brand can take to put their foot out there.  One of the most popular ways to get noticed is to use social media to propel your brand!  Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter started out as a way to stay connected with friends and family, but have certainly evolved over time!  

Companies turned to the digital world to reach the masses.  We all know that an image is the best hook for grabbing the attention of your audience so what better place to do that than on our social media feeds.  Business now use well-curated photographs and videos to draw in their ideal clients!  Our Head Doll + CEO @thecarolinedoll had similar beginnings.  What started as a simple hashtag on Instagram, grew to a brand that serves clients worldwide!  There is no denying the POWER of social media.  So how can you use this to your advantage, Doll?  Well we pulled together our social media tips to help your brand gain the digital exposure you’re looking for!  


1. Reach Out to Brand Influencers

Connecting through social media is the best way to put yourself out there!  Imagine having Brand Influencers who do the hard work for you — they are sharing and promoting your brand with their communities!  We like to think of them as Ambassador Dolls!  Start by interviewing applicants to find the best people who will continue to support you and your brand.  Once you’ve found your own set of Ambassador Dolls, they can help you share your brand with the world!  Your brand in the right hands can elevate and bring awareness to your business. 

2. Visually Brand on Instagram 

Nothing makes #theprdolls happier than a well-curated aesthetic on Instagram!  Whether it be a light and airy feel or a bold and dramatic hook that your brand is going for, focusing on this detail can bring cohesion and establish the overall vibe you are looking to achieve.  Sending this clear message through your social media account will tell your followers know what you’re all about and help to attract your ideal client!

3. Get Featured

That’s right!  You need to put yourself out there, Doll!  You should be networking by talking to local magazines, news stations, and bloggers as a way to get your name out there in your community.  Attending conferences with like-minded brands, reaching out to others on social media, and leaving a lasting impression are great ways to get noticed and bring attention to your cause.  Be sure to always have some business cards with you!  You never know when you might meet someone!

4. Let the YOU Shine Through

At POSH PR® we always say that when you’re true to yourself, you’ll have NO competition.  Be genuine, be authentic, be YOU!  In a world that connects so much through online platforms, it’s important to be authentically yourself in all things you post.  Your best work will shine through when you believe in it.  Remember, you are your brand’s biggest cheerleader and your confidence in your brand will speak volumes!


Looking for help gaining a wider presence on social media?  We can help with that!  Reach out to #theprdolls today to hear about how we can gain that digital exposure you’re looking for!