Answer The Call


Whether it’s a phone interview or a meeting with a potential client, your phone etiquette can make all the difference!  Our Head Doll + CEO The Caroline Doll has always made a point to share this with our team.  We have learned that there are 4 major things that you can do to master the art of the phone call.  Keep reading, Boss Dolls™!

Tip 1: Research, Research, Research

In all things business (and life), it is best to be prepared!  If you are interviewing with a company, take some time to learn as much as you can about the business.  Who is the CEO?  Where are the headquarters located?  What is their mission?  These types of questions are typically easily answered with a quick Google search.  But dive in deeper than that!  Look into their social media accounts.  How do they respond to their audience?  You can learn a lot by using this method!  The same goes for a phone call with a new potential client.  Do your research!  Take time to explore this person’s social media accounts, read about their company (if they have one!), and try to find a connection that you two may share.  Trust us, a little research goes a long way!

Tip 2: Be An Attentive Listener

We get it… You have something to say!  But the best thing you can do on a phone call is attentively listen.  We always start our calls by asking the person on the other line if this is a good time.  Even if the call was scheduled, it’s important to check in and ask this question! Next, engage in what the other person is saying.  Ask questions!  It’s important to not always turn the conversation back onto yourself.  Don’t get us wrong, we want you to share about yourself and we want you to get your points across too — just make sure you’re doing so while also being the best listener you can be!  When people feel heard, they feel valued and that makes ALL the difference, Dolls!

Tip 3: Smile When You Talk

Okay, we know you may think we’re crazy, but this is important!  SMILE even when no one can see you.  When you are smiling on the phone, joy and cheer will radiate through your voice and become contagious to the person on the other line.  Our Head Doll + CEO Caroline thinks this is the biggest tip of all!  The person on the other line can’t help but feel happy if they know that you are cheerful and full of joy.  Always answer with a bright and energetic introduction and don’t forget to end the call by showing gratitude for their time.  

Tip 4: Don’t Forget The Follow Up!

The follow up is almost as important as the call!  If you were on a phone interview, be sure to write a thoughtful email thank you to everyone involved in your interview.  PRO TIP:  Refer back to a specific part of the conversation you had to show off your great listening skills!  If your phone call was a meeting with a client, be sure to follow up on any action items you promised.  By this we mean, if you promised them an emailed proposal by the end of the day, make sure you get it done!  It’s important to make sure none of the promises that you made were empty ones.  Follow up and leave the other person with a big smile on their face!

We know that with these tips + tricks you’ll be ready to master your next big phone call!  Looking for more business help?  Be sure to check out the Digital Downloads we have available — perfect for all Dolls doing business!

Xo The PR Dolls