Are You A Favorite? What to Know about the New Instagram Update.

Dolls, have you heard? There’s a new update on Instagram & we are BIG fans! 

What is it?

Instagram recently came out with a new update that all #bossdolls should know. If you had Instagram yearsssss ago, you may even recognize this feature. On March 23rd, Instagram ‘re-launched’ their much favored chronological order timeline. This new feature allows users to see posts from those they follow in order, or they can sort their timeline by Favorites

Instagram Update Announcement

What does this mean? 

While many of us long-time users are excited about the update, the most important question is: ‘how will this update affect business users’.

We think that it will only minorly affect your business page, and here's why. 

The Default Page: 

The default page will remain the same. This means that those who are unaware of the update or unwilling to put the time into a Favorites list will likely keep their page on this setting. Meaning - nothing will change for you.

The ‘Following’ [Chronological Order] Page:

Here, there will be users who decide to typically keep their feed in chronological order. As many OG users (Millennials) will be excited about this, it is likely they will flip back and forth between this, the Default, and their Favorites page. From a Business account standpoint, there is one thing that you should keep in mind as you coordinate your social media platforms. BE CONSISTENT, and try to post as often as you can. Now that some social media timelines will be in chronological order, it will be hard to stay at the top of users’ feeds. 

Another factor to consider when thinking about the chronological timeline is that users will only see those that they follow. For those of you who are looking to gain followers through Instagram ads, this hurts. Users (currently) will no longer see ads when they are on the ‘Following’ tab. There is no telling if this will change - as the update in itself was a surprise to most. 

This part of the update will be a real push for businesses to start creating engaging and welcoming content that reels in users enough for them to hit follow. If you’re looking for help with this, the #POSHPR Doll team would love to set up a Doll Date to chat more!

The ‘Favorites’ Page:

Dolls, we saved the best [or worst] for last. For those who don’t love scrolling through the endless ads and people they forgot they even followed, this feature will be their… favorite. The Favorites tab is a timeline option that will allow users to add up to 50 of their favorite accounts to view in one place. This option will cut out everyone but those who are #DOLLing enough to win a spot on the prized timeline. 

Now all of you Dolls are wondering - how do we get one of those prized spots? Well, the simple answer would be to ask your followers to add you to it. This can be done by ever so kindly reminding your followers how much they love your content, and then walking them through how to do so. 

 Here's how:

  1. Go to the page you’re looking to add as a favorite.

  2. Click the ‘Following’ button that has a downward facing arrow

  3. Once you click the tab, you will see an option pop-up that says “Add to Favorites”, click this.

Now, the not so simple answer is to ensure you’re creating a digital space where your followers feel like they are a part of a community - and not just followers. As a luxury branding and social media agency, we can help you create content that achieves this goal!

Lets Recap

  1. There is a new update on Instagram that allows users to sort their timelines by ‘Default’, ‘Following’ [‘Chronological Order’], or ‘Favorites’.

  2. This could affect how often users are seeing the content you have generated.

  3. Tips for navigating this update:

    1. Post Consistently

    2. Create engaging content that causes users to follow

    3. Create an engaging and meaningful community that causes users to add you to their favorites list

  4. Most importantly, when in doubt - ask the #thePRdolls. We are a full-service agency that specializes in working with Dolls doing business all over the work that wants to build wealth as a #bossdoll. As your Business BFF, we will give you the tools to make your dream brand a reality!

Cheering you on always, 

Xo Caroline + The PR Dolls