Boss Doll® Spotlight — Jessie Lessard

We just love our Boss Doll® Spotlight series because it’s fun to introduce you Dolls to some of our favorite people!  The PR Dolls have an amazing one for you today!  Meet Jessie — the Founder and Salon Owner over at Jessica Marie Hair Co.!  This Boss Doll® has a style all her own and has the most contagious smile that we just can’t resist.  The more we learn about her, the more we just love her!  You can check out our interview with this sweet Doll below!

When you were young, did you always imagine being a hairstylist when you grew up?

Yes!!  Ever since I was 8 I’ve known that I wanted to be a hairstylist! My Cabbage Patch dolls were my best friends so I always practiced stying their yarn hair and taught myself how to braid too!  My mom used to be a hairstylist so between her and my grandma, they were always so fashionable — I wanted to be just like them!

You recently completed a brand refresh and we are SO IN LOVE! What was the inspiration behind your new brand and do you think a brand refresh is a good idea for others?

Ah, thank you!!!  I am so so proud of my brand refresh, it still gives me butterflies every time I look at my new website!!  One of the biggest reasons why I decided to do a brand refresh is because over the last 4 years, I have completely changed who I am as a business owner — the way I run my business and what services I provide have evolved.  I’m always trying to better myself so I felt that it was time to change things up and really dive deep into what I REALLY LOVE and what represents me!!!  I 100% think a brand refresh is great for a business that needs a little “pick-me-up” or for a business that wants to get noticed again.  Things are ever evolving, so I believe that, as a business owner, you have to evolve with change.

Something we love about you is your admiration of music! What artists are you inspired by?

OH, do I ever love music!  It truly speaks to my soul.  I love all genres of music, but I have to say that country music is hands down my favorite.  I’ve always admired Kasey Musgraves and her style!!  The girl has it goin’ on!!  Of course, I have to mention how much I love Dolly Parton, I mean...who doesn’t?  Someday I am going to meet her and give her the biggest hug!  She’s truly one of the best humans inside and out.

Your positivity and joy radiates from you and is absolutely contagious! It’s one of the things that The PR Dolls just adore about you! How do you maintain positivity and push through the challenges?

That is so so kind of the PR Dolls to say!!  It’s definitely reciprocated!!  I have to say, it’s not always easy putting on a smile and to “always be on”, but I am an optimist through and through.  I really do try and find the good in everything and leave challenges up to my faith.  It always works out in the end.  I’m lucky enough to have close friends in the industry that I can bounce ideas off of or just vent to.  We all need our little tribe to help work through successes and difficulties because it makes us stronger.

You exclusively offer hand-tied hair extensions and custom coloring at your salon in Parker, Colorado. Is this something you’ve always done? How have your services evolved over time?

Hair Extensions in general was something I never thought I would specialize in.  I always thought I would be a color and textured hair specialist.  Turns out that I found a love for hand-tied hair extensions that I didn’t know was in me!  Just providing a service that continues to help women every single day has not only changed their lives, but has changed mine in so many ways.  Knowing that these wonderful women can be vulnerable with me about their hair journey is something special!  I truly love what I do and am so thankful I have found this path in my career.  It’s led me to also meet some of the most amazing in the industry.  Marketing has gotten me to where I am today.  My entire clientele has been built strictly off of this and, as intimidating as it is, I’ve learned that it needs to be your best friend if you want to be successful!  Posh PR has taken my business to the next level — working with you Dolls has been the best journey and I cannot wait to see what the future holds!!  Watch out world :)

You are known for delivering your clients their dream hair! If you could switch up your own personal style, what would your dream hair be like?

OHHH I like this question…my dream hair would be an icy lavender color all over with 24” extensions!!  That’s more of my fantasy, I guess!  I think a beige-y blonde like J-Lo would be my dream hair!  Hum..this question may have sparked something in me.  Maybe it’s time for a change!  OH BOY…stay tuned…!

What is one hair product you cannot live without?

One hair product I cannot live without is IGK Beach Club texturizing spray!!  It’s literally gold for your hair!!  The smell of this product makes you feel like you’re on a beach and works like a charm to hold your style!!

Owning a business is no small feat! What is the best piece of advice you’ve received on your entrepreneurial journey?

I’ve received a lot of great advice on this journey, but something that really resinated with me just happened, actually.  Balance.  I am always fighting myself on trying to balance work, family, dating, self-care.  The truth is, there’s really no such thing.  Michelle Zeller is who talked about this, she’s a badas** stylist and person I admire in so many ways.  She talks about how bad you really want it and where your focus is at that time.  Do your best at whatever it is you’re doing in that moment.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out on their own Boss Doll® adventure?

Always, always continue your education!!  As a business owner, we have to stay up to date with the latest and greatest.  Be sure to network yourself and be involved in the community as much as you can.  Also, know that you are going to fail.  I always look at failure as opportunity and perspective — learn from it and build on that!

The dream never stops! What’s up next for you and for JMHC?

Oh goodness, do we ever have some amazing things in the works!!!  Any idea I have ever had, POSH PR® has taken it and created absolute magic!!!  So stay tuned for some new stuff coming your way!!

We loved learning more about this incredible Boss Doll®!  We told you she was amazing, didn’t we?!  Be sure to check her out on her WEBSITE and INSTAGRAM to continue following along!

Xo The PR Dolls

Are you a Doll doing business and interested in working with The PR Dolls?
Contact us! Email our Boss Doll + CEO, Caroline here!